South Bay Ecology
At South Bay Ecology, we specialize in biological and ecological research that explores the intricate connections between the environment and human health. Our work is rooted in the belief that the natural world offers invaluable solutions to many of today’s challenges, from ecosystem health to advancements in human well-being.
Our Services:
Monitoring & Management of Harmful Algal Blooms: We provide expert monitoring
and management services for harmful algal blooms in both marine and freshwater
environments, helping to protect ecosystems and public health.Environmental Consulting: At South Bay Ecology, we understand that maintaining
compliance with both state and federal environmental policies can be strenuous
undertaking for local businesses. Our experts will help you navigate the complex
environmental policies. We conduct environmental impact assessments and
environmental site assessments and provide best practice recommendations to
maintain compliance in the future.Cultures and materials: We supply cultures for research groups concerned with
ecosystem health, seafood poisoning, and natural products discovery,
supporting groundbreaking studies that aim to unlock nature’s potential. We also,
provide cultures to schools for educational use and for establishing/diversifying
aquarium microbial communities.Culturing services: Whether you need monocultures established from your live
samples, or already established cultures grown in mass we can help.Molecular biology: At South Bay Ecology we offer several molecular biology
services including the molecular identification of your microbial samples. We are also
in the process of establishing a qPCR service for quantifying target organisms in situ.